Posted in Uncategorized on November 22, 2009 by ttw094brc


A check for 40,000 baht was given to the Bangkok Refugee Center (BRC) at a ceremony held at Olive Restaurant, Sukhumvit Soi 33, on November 20th, 2009. Khun Kwang Korrakot, was the BRC representative who received the check on behalf of the organization.  She was accompanied by Dot Laughton, the BRC Volunteer Coordinator.  Several of the “Thriller” dancers stopped by to say “hello” and enjoy the evening, as well. A good time was had by all.

Now that we’ve completed this final task, it’s time for the Zombie Masters to disappear into the night. So  goodbye and goodnight, zombies—-until next time. Of course,  we couldn’t let you go without a few parting thoughts:

A Gift Of LIfe

(This inspirational message was sent to me by my friend Erin Young, who’s relocating to Mexico City to teach yoga. We wish her well.)

Experience. Dream. Risk. Close your eyes and jump. Enjoy the free fall. Choose exhilaration over comfort. Choose magic over predictability.  Choose potential over safety.  Wake up to the magic of everyday life. Make friends with your intuition. Trust your gift. Discover the beauty of uncertainty. Know yourself fully before you make promises to another.  Make millions of mistakes so that you will know how to choose what you really need. Know when to hold on and when to let go. Seek knowledge. Open yourself to possibility. Keep your heart open, your head high and your spirit free. Embrace your darkness along with your light. Be wrong every once in awhile and don’t be afraid to admit it. Awaken to the brilliance in ordinary moments. Tell the truth about yourself no matter what the cost. Own your own reality without apology.  See goodness in the world. Be Bold. Be fierce. Be grateful. Be wild, crazy and gloriously free. Be you.

Now go out and live.

Bangkok Zombies Have Big Hearts . . . 40,000 Bahts Big!

Posted in Uncategorized on November 10, 2009 by ttw094brc

The “Thrill The World ’09 4 Bangkok Refugee Center” season has finally come to an end. The Bangkok Zombies helped to raise 40,000 bahts for the BRC–an amazing accomplishment when you consider the group had less than 8 weeks to organize and raise this money. To celebrate our successful fundraising effort, The Zombie Masters are hosting a Eulogy for “Thrill The World ’09 4 Bangkok Refugee Center” on Friday, November 20th, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at the Olive Garden, Sukhumvit Soi 33 (near Villa Market and the Subway Sandwich Shop).

This will be a celebratory eulogy. A “thank You” ceremony for all the performers, group participants, volunteers, supporters and corporate sponsors who helped to make “Thrill The World ’09” in Bangkok a successful three day event. The highlight of the ceremony will be the distribution of all our assets (minus the funeral expenses) to the event’s sole beneficiary: The Bangkok Refugee Center.  So mark you calendars and pull out your Zombie wear one more time. Come out and say good-bye. Bangkok style.

Ghouls, Ghosts, Gobblins and Zombies Converge on Xperience Night Club!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 31, 2009 by ttw094brc

In a few minutes, zombies and creepy crawlers of all kinds will converge on Xperience Night Club, Thonglor Soi 8, to party the night away. If you’re channeling Michael Jackson tonight, Xperience Nighclub is the place to be. There will be a Moonwalk Competition, a Michael-Jackson-look-a-like Contest and, of course, our final ’09 performance of “Thriller”.  We also have over 60,000 bahts in raffle prizes to give away (you must be present to claim the your prize!); the proceeds from the raffle will be given to the Bangkok Refugee Center.

A BIG  THANK YOU  goes out to APEX PROFOUND BEAUTY PRODUCTS  for their support of this event.  And we’ve got to give  A HUGE ZOMBIE HUG to Tibo and the staff at Xperience Night Club for their support, too.

HAPPY HOWL. . .OOOOOH!. AWEEN! Hope to see you at Xperience Night Club.

“Approximately 23,000 people in 32 countries danced “Thriller” at the same time”

Posted in Uncategorized on October 26, 2009 by ttw094brc

Raising over $85,000 USD for over 80 charities World Record broken for Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance with the Record Holders Republic


The 2009 Thrill The World event occurred on October 25th, 2009, at 12:30am GMT/UTC (which was October 24 in some parts of the world). This year’s Thrill The World was an unprecedented global success, celebrating the life and music of Michael Jackson.

Now in its third year, Thrill The World’s participant numbers have increased exponentially from the initial 62 dancers in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2006, which resulted in a Guinness World Record, to approximately 23,000 people in 32 countries dancing “Thriller” at the same time in 2009. This total easily surpasses last year’s record of 4,179 people for Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance with the Record Holders Republic.

This year, TTW raised over $100,000 USD for over 80 charities and non-profit groups. In July 2009, following the death of Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones acknowledged Thrill The World in an open letter to the media. He wrote, “In every language on the planet, from prison yards in the Philippines to, that will be the beautiful, grand legacy of Michael Jackson.”

This incredible tribute to Michael Jackson was founded in 2006 by Ines Markelle,  a dance choreographer and instructor in Toronto, Canada. It is Markelle’s unprecedented “Thriller” dance instructional teaching videos that make it possible for dancers, non-dancers, young and the young at heart to learn the dance in a very short time. New “Thriller” dancers have then gone on to teach other event participants.

ZOMBIES! Don’t climb back into your graves! There’s one more performance…

Posted in Uncategorized on October 25, 2009 by ttw094brc

I’m trying to recover from the Zombies fever that spread throughout Bangkok over the past two days. It started when 20 hardcore zombies from Thrill The World ’09 4 Bangkok Refugee Center ‘s dance group took the stage on October 24th to perform “Thriller”  as part of the 94 EFM Festival at Central World Plaza. The crowd was incredible and the inspired performance by the dancers followed by the stirring rendition of “Heal The World” by Shimona Kee, left everyone wanting more.  Then on October 25th, 43 zombies pulled themselves together and assembled at the Centara Grand  to join the world wide effort to break the record for the largest simultaneous performance of “Thriller”. The final numbers aren’t yet in but we know a new world record was set.

For all you zombies heading back to the graveyard because the Thrill The World ’09 Season has come to an end, STOP!  The Thrill The World 4 Bangkok Refugee Center still has one big performance and fundraising date left—Halloween evening at Xperience Night club, Thonlor and Soi 8. Our Halloween performance is going to be our biggest fundraiser for the Bangkok Refugee Center with over 60,000 bahts in prizes to be given away in a raffle. In addition to our final “Thriller” group performance, we want Michael Jackson fans and BRC supporters  to turn out and help us honor the King of Pop. There’ll be a Michael Jackson look-a-like contest and the best Moonwalk competition. What better way to spend Halloween then with a bunch of zombies who aren’t afraid to let a few body parts drop off in pursuit of a good time.

Keep checking this website to look for the upload of our official “Thriller” youtube dance video. The link will be under the Blogroll Directory. Thanks to all the people who’ve given generously to the BRC. After the Halloween festivities, a final fundraising total will be published right here. Join us at Xperience Night Club this Saturday and help us reach our 100,000 baht goal.

Schedule Change: October 24th performance with EFM Radio Station moved to 6:00 p.m.

Posted in Uncategorized on October 20, 2009 by ttw094brc

The reason the Zombie Master Team continually reminds all of our dancers to check the website for up-to-date information is because we know the performance schedules and locations can suddenly change. Although we had originally planned to perform at the 94 EFM Radio Station Music Festival on October 24th at 8:00 p.m., we’ve been placed in the 6:00 p.m. time slot instead. We understand that with a line-up of some of today’s hottest music artists, an earlier time slot for our performance fits their needs best.  Please note this important change.


Posted in Uncategorized on October 20, 2009 by ttw094brc

“The Thrill The World ’09 4 Bangkok Refugee Center” Halloween performance at Xperience Night Club, Thonglor Soi 8, promises to be a SLAMMIN’ PARTEE (party)!  We’ve obviously been very naughty zombies here in Bangkok because we’ve been rewarded with a great venue and NOW WE”VE GOT FABULOUS PRIZES TO GIVE AWAY.  APEX (Thank You Khun Aporn) has donated over 60,000 bahts in prizes to be given away in our Halloween raffle. The grand prize is a 3 night/ 2 day vacation at the Nantra Spa and Resort in Krabi valued at  38,000 bahts.  In addition, Xperience Night Club, has agreed to provide us with 20 vouchers (food only!) as contest prizes AND to donate a percentage of the ticket sales from “Thrill The World ’09 4 Bangkok Refugee Center” customers to the Bangkok Refugee Center. Our fundraising goal is: 100,000 bahts. With your help, we can achieve this goal.


We need you to bring as many warm bodies as you can find ( No corpses please!  Just your family members, friends, colleagues and associates) to our Halloween performance at Xperience Night Club. Help us reach our fundraising goal for the Bangkok Refugee Center.


Posted in Uncategorized on October 19, 2009 by ttw094brc

In keeping with the fluid nature of big public events, the Zombie Masters Team has decided to move our October 31st, Halloween performance, from Central  World Plaza to Xperience Night Club, Thonglor Soi 8. The change is intended to help us maximize our opportunity to give the public a memorable performance and raise money for the Bangkok Refugee Center. As advertised, there will be a Michael Jackson look-a-like contest, a Moonwalk Competition and a Best Halloween costume contest. In addition, local recording artist, Shimona Kee, will perform a song or two to top off the evening.  Hope to see you there.

IT’S ALIVE !!! (SCREECH). . . .Zombies Rock Bangkok!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 18, 2009 by ttw094brc

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. This Saturday, October 24th, at Central World Plaza,  you’ll have a chance to see what Bangkok’s “undead”  have been up to.  The “Thriller” dance group will take the stage at 8:00 p.m. to perform as the special guests of EFM Radio Station. The folks at EFM will be doing a live broadcast from Central World Plaza throughout the day.  Then, bright and early the following morning, the zombies will rock Bangkok at Central World Plaza, once again. This time as part of “Thrill The World ’09’s” global effort to break the world record. (This is the dance that counts for the record books.)  Finally, on Halloween night, 6:00 p.m., the “Thriller” dance group will assemble one last time to celebrate the occasion with ghouls, goblins, monsters, vampires and other creatures that go bump in the night at Central World Plaza. To honor the legacy of Michael Jackson, there will be a Moonwalk Competition, A Michael Jackson Look-A-Like Contest and performances by Shimona Kee, a local recording artist. As a added  attraction for wannabe zombies who still want to learn the “Thriller” dance , there will be an afternoon dance rehearsal where you can fulfill your dream. Learn the dance sequence and perform with the “Thriller” dance group later in the evening. Come out to join the fun and support our efforts.

BTW: You’ll be able to make donations to the Bangkok Refugee Center at each of the performances. Please give generously to this worthwhile organization.

We Have A Venue: Central World Plaza!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 12, 2009 by ttw094brc

It’s official.  Zombies will be gathering at Central World Plaza on October 24th (evening), October 25th (in the morning–the official Thrill The World Dance performance) and JUST ADDED! October 31st ( a special Halloween Performance).  I can feel the earth shaking!  Ghouls and zombies all over Thailand have awakened.  IT’S TIME TO BREAK OUT OF THE GRAVE  AND DANCE!!

BTW: Speaking of Dancing–this Thursday, October 15th will be the last open (public) rehearsal at Newsong church located on Sukhumvit S0i 39. The class has been lead by Shimona Kee (and friends), who’ll have you rockin’ the “Thriller” dance sequence by the end of the class. Click on the “Dance Rehearsal Schedule” link under the Pages Directory to get direction to the class. Hope to see you there.